Nigeria Ebay Scamming


Ich habe vor ca. 2-3 Tagen bei Ebay mein gebrauchtes Handy (click ) hinengestellt und wurd erst heute von einer gewissen „Sandra Bash“ gefragt, ob es möglich wäre, das Handy per UPS Express Versand nach Nigeria zu verschicken, da ihr Sohn angeblich eine Mission in Nigieria hat. Sie wäre bereit für ein (gebrauchtes) T610 von Sony Ericsson über 300 Schweizer Franken zu bezahlen (ca. 200€).Nigeria Scammer

Ich war erstmal baff, 300 Franken für son Ding, kann nur zu schön sein.

Also erstmal mich erkundigt bei der Frau, klargestellt dass, Paypal bevorzugt wird und ich nur Vorauskasse nehme, komischerweise schrieb die Frau dann aber immer nur über die Dringlichkeit und das Sie den Versand natürlich bezahlen würde, ich solle mich bei UPS erkundigen. Sie hatte dazu noch die Adresse des angeblichen Sohnes mitgeschickt…

Ich solle mich doch bei UPS erkundigen wegen einem Expressversand nach Nigeria.

Sie sagte mir, dass Sie das Geld auf ein Treuhandkonto der Bank of Essex überweisen wird und die Bank mir das Geld dann überreicht sobald die Ware in Nigeria angekommen ist.

Soweit, sogut, ich rief bei UPS an und da fiel mir schon der erste Haken auf: Bei der mir zugeteilten Lieferadresse, war eine PLZ vorhanden. Der UPS Mitarbeiter jedoch, sagte mir, dass es in Nigeria und in Afrika generell keine PLZ’s gäbe. Ausserdem kostete der Versand Express nach Nigeria für ein kleines Päckchen 300 schweizer Franken. Also soviel wie das Handy selbst. Ausserdem war Sie bei Ebay Indien registriert, schrieb jedoch angeblich von New Jersey aus.

Ich wurde stutzig, also gegoogelt.

In einem spanischem Ebay Forum wurde ich fündig, meine Spanischkenntnisse halfen mir dabei einige Beschwerden reingelegter Leute zu lesen:

Einer beklage sich darüber, wieviel er für den Versand seines bei Ebay eingestellten Nokia N91 bezahlt hatte, das Gerät nun los war aber nie jegliches Geld von der Bank kam. Auf Anfragen reagierte man nicht. Sehr selten soll dies auch nicht sein, dies belegen die mehrfachen Antworten auf diesen Thread, die alle auf den gleichen Namen ( Sandra Bash ) und die gleiche Adresse, hier aufgelistet:

Name : Awolope Oladeji
Address : 51 Kabiawu Street Mokola,
City : Ibadan
State : Oyo State
Zipcode : 23402
Country : Nigeria.
Telephone : 234 80 62 744 108.


Einige Ausschnitte der Mails:

Die email, nachdem ich Vorauszahlung verlangt hatte, man beachte, dass Sie das ignoriert und eifach weiterspricht:

Thanks for the mail.I understand you and agree with the present condition of the phone.I want you to understand that i really need this phone for my son urgently.I want you to let me know’s your price for the phone and also ask the UPS Courier Services the shipping cost to the following address below :

Name : Awolope Oladeji
Address : 51 Kabiawu Street Mokola,
City : Ibadan
State : Oyo State
Zipcode : 23402
Country : Nigeria.
Telephone : 234 80 62 744 108.

Kindly get back to me with the total price of the phone + the shipping.
Awaiting to hear from you soon.
Thank you.
Mrs Sandra Bash.

(Rechtsklick -> Grafik Anzeigen für Originalversion)

Ebay Scammer

Wer die komplette Unterhaltung will, soll sich bitte bei mir per Mail melden! [email protected]

Ich hoffe einigen Leuten hiermit geholfen und gewarnt zu haben :).


3 Gedanken zu „Nigeria Ebay Scamming

  1. Egon Olsen :-)

    Hallo Ric,

    ich veröffentliche jede Scam Mail, welche ich bekommen in meinem Blog. Viele Nutzer werden langsam erfahrener und finden bei Google den Hinweis auf meine Seite. Es gibt aber auch noch genügend die den Betrüger Geld zahlen. Das ist traurig aber wahr.

    Gruß der Egon

  2. Besieger

    Hier eine Scamversuchsmail meiner Auktion:

    Hello i am Dr. Willifred , I am from UK , i bought your eBay item. I want you to send it to my son living in Italy as a gift. I am currently on a Humanitarian Health tour, and now i’m in Austria. Send me the shipping cost to Italy, And your Bank details, so that i can send the money to you via Bank tansfer.So that i can transfer your money via my Bank to you. Citi Bank is 100% Insurance covered. Please write me via E-mail: [email protected] Regards

    Weitere Mails gibt es nicht, ich habs gleich eBay gemeldet.

  3. Andreas

    Ebay scamming ….

    jetzt gibt es was neues …

    MANN wird angesprochen und darf einer armen jungen sexy Frau helfen ….

    hier der Ausschnitt … über den yahoo chat …

    wer Die junge Dame kennt möge mir helfen 😉

    rider (28.12.2006 10:24:16): hello
    rider (28.12.2006 10:24:22): how do you do ?
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 10:30:49): hello
    rider (28.12.2006 10:31:02): hello
    rider (28.12.2006 10:31:11): where do u come from ?
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 10:32:14): i am 30 years old from colorado(fort collins) but presently in africa for my uncles funeral cos he is the only left for me since the death of my parents
    rider (28.12.2006 10:32:45): … oh .. sorry thats hard i think
    rider (28.12.2006 10:33:22): … what u are doing now ??
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 10:34:59): so whats your age and location?
    rider (28.12.2006 10:35:11): 40 germany
    rider (28.12.2006 10:35:16): europe
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 10:35:40): thats great and i have dreamt to live in Germany
    rider (28.12.2006 10:36:05): why ?
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 10:36:18): i really love the country and i would be willing to come to meet you there if you permit me
    rider (28.12.2006 10:36:54): do you have a photo ?
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 10:37:06): sure
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 10:39:16): wow you look so cute and handsome
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 10:39:23):
    rider (28.12.2006 10:40:10): very lovely
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 10:40:19): ty
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 10:40:23): whats your name?
    rider (28.12.2006 10:41:03): andreas
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 10:41:19): oh what a nice and sweet name!
    rider (28.12.2006 10:41:28): … andrew in english
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 10:41:44): my name is teena lindsey kelvin so nice meeting you andrew
    rider (28.12.2006 10:42:31): very sweet
    rider (28.12.2006 10:42:35):
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 10:42:46): are you single or married?
    rider (28.12.2006 10:42:59): …
    rider (28.12.2006 10:43:10): married
    rider (28.12.2006 10:43:16): and u ?
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 10:43:39): i am very single with no kids and am really looking for a true partner
    rider (28.12.2006 10:44:07): … i m looking for a new wife …
    rider (28.12.2006 10:44:13): a new beginning
    rider (28.12.2006 10:44:54): because i´m not happy ….
    rider (28.12.2006 10:45:02): and
    rider (28.12.2006 10:45:37): at themoment i´m in office
    rider (28.12.2006 10:45:54): and i´m chatting with a nice woman
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 10:46:01): that sound interesting and i will like to be the woman you seek if am chanced, i have been lonely for long and i dont feel happy and comfortable being lonely and am really looking for a soulmate like you to take me home so we can live as one and start a new life together in the new year.. can you be the man of my dreams?
    rider (28.12.2006 10:47:46): hhmm why not ?
    rider (28.12.2006 10:48:08): what is your profession ?
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 10:48:16): would you want me to come and meet you so we can know each other better and start a date together?
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 10:49:15): to be honest with you, at now i dont work here in africa , i have to look for a job but its very hard to get a job here cos thier economy is very low and am not comfortable here anymore..
    rider (28.12.2006 10:49:54):
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 10:50:38): do you live alone presently or do you have any kids?
    rider (28.12.2006 10:51:14): no i don´t have any kids
    rider (28.12.2006 10:51:23): but i wish to have some …
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 10:51:42): same as me too
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 10:51:59): i dont have any kids too and would love to be a mother sooner
    rider (28.12.2006 10:52:25): why don´t you live in colorado ??
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 10:53:28): i dont want to live in colorado anymore cos am the only one left there since my father and mother died and i dont want to live alone anymore and am really willing to relocate to you if am chanced by you
    rider (28.12.2006 10:56:31): that would be fine
    rider (28.12.2006 10:56:46): but first we have to mail …
    rider (28.12.2006 10:57:01): i want to know more about u
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 10:57:36): would you be able to afford to get me there with you so we can know each other better and we can start the relationship together and plan the future for our kids?
    rider (28.12.2006 10:58:05): …. first you have to know me better
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 10:58:25): yes thats necessary
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 10:58:38): so what do you want to know about me?
    rider (28.12.2006 10:59:20): what doyou want to do in the future ?
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:00:48): in the future, i want to be a succefull mother and wife and i want to have kids so as to plan thier future
    rider (28.12.2006 11:02:19): that sounds nice
    rider (28.12.2006 11:02:39): nice for a man like me who wishes to have kids
    rider (28.12.2006 11:03:09): a man who wishes to have a beautyful wooman like you
    rider (28.12.2006 11:03:45): who wishes to have joyful sex with his wife …
    rider (28.12.2006 11:03:58): and in the morning after getting up
    rider (28.12.2006 11:04:24): to have breakfeast with his family
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:04:32): i am really happy to meet a man like you and this is my first time on the dating sound nice to me and you realy sound as the man of dreams cos u posses all the qualities and am looking for in a partner…
    rider (28.12.2006 11:05:43): so you can get my email adress
    rider (28.12.2006 11:05:52): [email protected]
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:05:58): what do you plan to do in the future too and what do you do for a living?
    rider (28.12.2006 11:06:09): first …
    rider (28.12.2006 11:06:35): we have to meet another time in chat cos i´have to work
    rider (28.12.2006 11:07:07): but in the near future i want to work only for this company i´m working with
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:07:23): what time do you want us to chat again?
    rider (28.12.2006 11:08:11): tomorrow same time ??
    rider (28.12.2006 11:08:24): what´s the time in africa ??
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:08:46): but i have a big problem which can affect us not to communicate
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:09:04): its 11.06 am here
    rider (28.12.2006 11:09:54): at the morning ??
    rider (28.12.2006 11:09:57): am …
    rider (28.12.2006 11:10:14): in europe we used to have 24:00 …
    rider (28.12.2006 11:10:26): withourt am and pm
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:10:44): its morning time here and we use 12 hours
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:11:13): what says your time now?
    rider (28.12.2006 11:11:53): ok so we have the same time too
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:12:04): yeah
    rider (28.12.2006 11:12:25): i love your pics !!!
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:12:52): i have a big problem ahead of me here and i hope you can solve it for me so that we can have time to chat with each other and know each other better
    rider (28.12.2006 11:13:11): what problem do u have ??
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:13:57): my landlord is really planning to send me out of the apt cos i could not afford to pay the rent and internet bills anymore and it will really affect us if the internet is disconnected
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:14:12): can you help with the internet bills for the main time before we can plan to meet each other?
    rider (28.12.2006 11:17:07): sorry my boss is looking ….
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:17:14): ok
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:18:11): are you still there?
    rider (28.12.2006 11:19:05): jep …
    rider (28.12.2006 11:19:07): wait
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:19:19): answer my question pls
    rider (28.12.2006 11:20:05): how much does it cost and what do u want to have ??
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:20:37): it cost $650 to pay all the bills
    rider (28.12.2006 11:20:55): what do u think i ám
    rider (28.12.2006 11:21:04): i´m not the rich guy
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:21:24): i understand what you mean but i need to be honest with you and thats why am open to you
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:21:58): how much can you afford? i really dont want the landlord to disconnect my internet and i dont want to lose a man like you
    rider (28.12.2006 11:22:41): i have to think about it …
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:22:46): try to understand my point, i really want you for a long lasting relationship and i would not want anything to bring problem to our relationship..
    rider (28.12.2006 11:23:04): ok ….
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:23:35): the landlord can come to disconnect my internet anytime and thats what am trying to avoid
    rider (28.12.2006 11:24:37): ok …
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:25:04): so what can you do about it to solve this problem so we wont lose each other?
    rider (28.12.2006 11:26:40): give me your adress …
    rider (28.12.2006 11:26:52): i ´ll see what i can do for u
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:27:12): what do you want to do with the address?
    rider (28.12.2006 11:27:45): to know where you are
    rider (28.12.2006 11:28:03): and to understand …
    rider (28.12.2006 11:28:32): you don´t know how much spam i receive every day
    rider (28.12.2006 11:28:58): with the same wishes like you …
    rider (28.12.2006 11:29:07): so give me a chance
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:29:19): i am presently in west africa(Nigeria)
    rider (28.12.2006 11:30:09): i have a friend which is married with someon ein africa …
    rider (28.12.2006 11:30:25): i have to contact her ok … ???
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:31:14): why do you want to include a third party in our relationship ? is it because i asked of a favour from you?
    rider (28.12.2006 11:31:26): yes
    rider (28.12.2006 11:31:47): i don´t loke to be fooled …
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:32:37): i know how you feel about this but can you grant me a chance and put your hope and trust in me?
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:32:47): i am very honest and open minded to you
    rider (28.12.2006 11:34:19): i hope that´s true …
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:35:02): can you grant me a chance and lets meet sooner? i promise and assure you that you will never be dissapointed by me
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:35:40): i am really serious about having a long lasting relationship with you and there is no lie in anything i type to you and you will understand better when we meet
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:36:01): can you grant me a chance in your heart?
    rider (28.12.2006 11:36:15): … your so cute ….
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:36:23): thanks so much
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:36:38): can you grant me this chance and put your trust on me?
    rider (28.12.2006 11:40:14): hmmm
    rider (28.12.2006 11:40:23): i ´ll do my best …
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:41:41): i know and understand that there are so many scammer on the internet and this really makes everyone not to trust anyone on the internet and i never blame you for that action but can you just grant me a chance and expect not to be dissapointed by me?
    rider (28.12.2006 11:42:17): … so what do i have todo ??
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:42:58): can you trust on me and just help me with the bills first so that we can have time to chat with each other and we can plan to meet anytime we wish?
    rider (28.12.2006 11:44:14): you have to wait …
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:44:28): how long should i wait for?
    rider (28.12.2006 11:48:08): hmmm
    rider (28.12.2006 11:48:15): what do u want me to do ?
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:48:58): can you try your best to help me pay the bills before the landlord send me out and we can plan to get the money for the flight fees later?
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:53:24): u there?
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:54:10): talk to me
    rider (28.12.2006 11:55:43): The newest Nigerian scamming scenario I run not only dating site with Russian girls but also dating sites for disabled people from all over the world. The last year or so there many people from America began to register. But something was wrong about them. A young beautiful (model photos) girl of 27 registers to disabled site, writes that she does not have any disability but she wants to find real life, it does not matter if her chosen one will be a disabled and if he will be 60 she is tired of loneliness. Many ip addresses in spite of the address written in their profiles showed that they are from Nigeria, others show that they are from USA or Israel or Canada but in some time they thought it is safe not to go through a server -anonimizer and went from local ip- Nigerian. We just did n
    rider (28.12.2006 11:56:07): what about that ?
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:56:51): what do you mean?
    rider (28.12.2006 11:57:24): read it …
    rider (28.12.2006 11:57:48): and you know why i´m not feeling comfortabkle …
    rider (28.12.2006 11:57:53): and you know why i´m not feeling comfortable …
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 11:59:02): yes i know but i dont want us to lose each other and thats why am open to you cos am woman of integrity and a God fearing woman and it will be a great pleasure for you and me if you can risk this chance
    qkweenteena (28.12.2006 12:00:53): i am really new to the only dating and i never chat with anyone but you, i have never told anyone what i told you .and i guess we are meant to be together cos we both sound alike and we both seek equal things in a relationship so why not give a try so we wont be lonely anymore

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