Most bloggers know about those „How addicted are you to…“ Quizzes with an ending score from 0-100%… now it’s time for a WordPress related nonsense Quiz!
Make sure to check out the WordPress Quiz I made!
My result:
Most bloggers know about those „How addicted are you to…“ Quizzes with an ending score from 0-100%… now it’s time for a WordPress related nonsense Quiz!
Make sure to check out the WordPress Quiz I made!
My result:
Pingback: 測測你對 WordPress 有多著迷 | 艾德的部落格天空 | 亂寫、亂拍、亂來。 — 持續亂改更新中 —
Nice quiz!
Did you make the whole quiz-script yourself?
Intressted in the code if it’s OK.
Please contact me 🙂
„Fatal error: Call to undefined function: file_put_contents() in /home/ricdesco/public_html/quiz/questions.php on line 27“
Doesn’t work :'(